The Suite HTX - Houston Model Collab - Saturday June 3
I had the opportunity
to network and shoot with an array of beautiful women and men at The Suite HTX on Saturday and the feedback I am getting is so validating. I shoot on a crop sensor, by the way. And I did not want to use my speed light so most of the images were significantly under exposed and edited heavily in Lightroom. I love the vibes though, and so do the models. Here's some shots:

Models L-R (top row, bottom row): Bec the Barbie, Wensday the Vampire, Jessi Floyed, Tori Norwood, Zeni Perez, Danielle Simon
I love how different each set is, how many props there are... there is so much potential. Have you seen the life size Barbie box floating around social media? It's there in their Pink Room. (Tamara in the cover photo is in it!)
If you're wanting to do something super creative, that is THE spot. Contact me here to get something on the books! Also go follow my instagram if you don't to see more work!